Workpackage 1: Heteroduplex mapping to improve hemp target traits
Deliverable 1.7: Fibre quality of new fibre varieties from HDM characterised
Deliverable 1.8: Retting characterisation of new fibre varieties from HDM characterised
Deliverable 1.9: Lignin and pectin detailed analysis of new fibre varieties from HDM characterised
Deliverable 1.10: Introgression of fibre mutations into elite germplasm
Workpackage 2: Genome-wide association mapping for hemp breeding
Workpackage 3: Optimisation of hemp cultivation
Deliverable 3.1: Varieties with contrasting fibre quality identified for demonstration trials
Deliverable 3.2: Report on the effects of agronomic practices on hemp biomass yield (fibre and seeds) and quality
Deliverable 3.3: Report on the use of the crop model to simulate the effect of G x E x M on fibre yield and quality
Workpackage 4: Harvesting and processing
Workpackage 5: End use applications for hemp raw material
Deliverable 5.6: Report on High-tech biobased composite applications
Deliverable 5.7: “Mid-tech” biobased composite applications
Deliverable 5.8: Report on the suitability of hemp fibre for blow-in insulation
Deliverable 5.9: Report on the suitability of hemp fibre for building materials
Deliverable 5.10: Report on the use of seed oil for cosmetic applications
Workpackage 6: Quality integration
Deliverable 6.2: Report on a fibre characterisation protocol
Deliverable 6.3: Report on the realisation of a fibre preparation and feeding unit
Deliverable 6.4: Report on the development of an innovative length measurement concept
Deliverable 6.5: Report on the characterisation of hemp cultivar strength and dislocations
Deliverable 6.6: Report on the fibre/matrix adhesion measured with the single fibre fragmentation test
Deliverable 6.7: Report on the new fast method to characterise fibres for insulation product
Deliverable 6.8: Report on the performance of hemp building material
Deliverable 6.9: Report on the evaluation of a pilot-scale pultrusion testing device
Deliverable 6.10: Report on the performance of hemp
building material
Workpackage 7: Economic and environmental assessment
Deliverable 7.3: Final report on integrated sustainability assessment
Workpackage 8: Dissemination and exploitation
Deliverable 8.2 & D8.3: Final dissemination and exploitation report
Workpackage 9: Coordination
Deliverable 9.4: Fibre Quality Workshop
Workpackage 10: Demonstration activities
Deliverable 10.2: Review of the industrial application of hemp-based building materials
Deliverable 10.3: Demostrative production of cosmetic